Stunningly intricate and inspired by a concept from Ancient Greek medicine, we love this Four Temperaments Wooden Building Set from Grimm's Spiel & Holz of Germany!
This freeform puzzle represents these four basic moods using 61 beautiful shapes and sizes.
The beautiful blues represent the Melancholic temperament, which has a deep and compassionate nature. Blue represents turning inwards with edges and curves like its element, Earth.
The Choleric temperament has energetic and fiery traits, and is represented by reds that reflect passion and its element, Fire.
Green hues represent the Phlegmatic temperament, which lies dormant and slow like a lovely still pond. It has curves and soft shapes corresponding to its element of Water.
And finally, happy Sanguine temperament exudes optimism and sociability with its outgoing yellow and airy elements.
Regardless of your child's mood, the playful handling of these colorful blocks will make it a unique open-ended experience in every way.
Stack the pieces, play with colors and make your own rules for how this beautiful wooden block set can be used.
Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf education suggested that in childhood, most children have one of these four personalities that dominates, but that by adulthood, elements of these four temperaments should be integrated into one whole human being, just like this beautiful puzzle that is also a stunning and collectible work of art.
Bella Luna Toys is proud to be one of the largest authorized retailers of Grimm's wooden toys in the USA.